
Hello, and welcome to the alliance Bible Church youth's useless blog. If you would like to visit our useful blog, go to http://abcyouthgroup.blogspot.com/, which was actually created by our youth directors, I and simply a member of the youthgroup. The purpose of this blog is for the youth to do stupid comments, have blogoffs( I'll explain what those are), and for the rest of the world to make fun of us.
Blogoffs, are when we select a date and time to all get on the blog and chat. Stupid? Yes. It's kind of like IM, only were too lazy to do that, and blogoffs feature clicking the refresh button alot.
Well browse through our blog, check out the Strong Bad Emails, maybe visit the sites we advertise, and be sure to leave comments.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to improve the volume of the tunes in the coffee shoppe

Here are somethings we could do to help boost the volume level!

Let me explain my master plan!

1. another/a couple more portable speakers with a headphone jack

2. a/a few headphone splitters

(only if we want "surround sound")

3. headphone extenders

more optional
4. duct tape

heres how everything fits together

1. plug the splitter into the mp3 player
(more than one: just plug them into one of the open ends)

2. plug the speakers in both ends
(more than one: any open end)

(for extenders)
3. plug the extenders in the splitters and tape cords to floor and speakers to wall

How does that sound!

I need to price some of the items but that's easy!


steven the great said...

give me prices and i might give you funds

D-ReX said...

That sounds pretty cool
Joey gets 16 points

The Brown Ranger said...

Well cheap prices for both I could find about $20.00+ but I might need a second and or third opinion.

The Brown Ranger said...

Woot!!! 16 pts!!!!
Out how much.
More boredom I found this random picture that mixed Super Smash Bros. and Homestar together (I didn't make it)

D-ReX said...

We should all sit down in person and make a list, come up with money, and show it all to sarahdave

The Brown Ranger said...

Huh? OK...?

Anonymous said...

Well said.