
Hello, and welcome to the alliance Bible Church youth's useless blog. If you would like to visit our useful blog, go to http://abcyouthgroup.blogspot.com/, which was actually created by our youth directors, I and simply a member of the youthgroup. The purpose of this blog is for the youth to do stupid comments, have blogoffs( I'll explain what those are), and for the rest of the world to make fun of us.
Blogoffs, are when we select a date and time to all get on the blog and chat. Stupid? Yes. It's kind of like IM, only were too lazy to do that, and blogoffs feature clicking the refresh button alot.
Well browse through our blog, check out the Strong Bad Emails, maybe visit the sites we advertise, and be sure to leave comments.


Friday, August 29, 2008

New Blog competition!!!

OK what do you guys think of this to get back onto the flow of the blog. We come up with a bunch of mithacle creatures put them in a braket, then have a post for where we debate who would win if they got in a fite for each pair, then the winner would advance to the next bracket, untill we have a champion of creatures



The Brown Ranger said...

only one thing comes to my mind right now.

Who is the update zombie?
Dun Dun Duuunnnn!!!

Reveal your true identity!

as for creatures hmmm... I'll try and think of one later.

The Brown Ranger said...

and what about the Hungry For Meatloaf song a few posts down, we should finish that too!

D-ReX said...

hes our new mascot (appearantly)
I think hes a good thing to add to the blog, Go update zombie

D-ReX said...

my new picture

The Brown Ranger said...

I think the update zombie wins this competition for the reason we don't know who "it" is!

D-ReX said...

Hes just the mascot. Have you ever seen the mascot play during a foorball game?

The Brown Ranger said...

nope, never heard of foorball,
but anyways ummm...

The Brown Ranger said...

ok more off this topic I know who the upday zombie is
I'm so stupid it's you Derek!
anyways made of creature,
Charizard wins

D-ReX said...

pfffft charizard, u just made a challenge!!!!!!

steven the great said...

joey, there is a lot of bigger and badder dudes then charzard. like godzilla, yeti, and or a fire hydrant.

The Brown Ranger said...

ok Godzilla and the yeti are a challenge but a fire hydrant is useless without someone with a wretch it's an inanimate object and can't move on it's own, and it won't win if there's not one around! what if he's in a field or the mountains!

D-ReX said...

yeah, but when charzard flames the hydrant enough the metal would melt enough for it to spray charzard to death

The Brown Ranger said...

Why would he do that?

D-ReX said...

cuz their fighting, if charzard wants to win he needs to attack the fire hydrant, which will make it spray him to death. so either its a boring stailmate or charzard loses

D-ReX said...

and y r u defending charzard, hes just a pokemon. I was thinking of like mithological creatures

The Brown Ranger said...

because it's fun