
Hello, and welcome to the alliance Bible Church youth's useless blog. If you would like to visit our useful blog, go to http://abcyouthgroup.blogspot.com/, which was actually created by our youth directors, I and simply a member of the youthgroup. The purpose of this blog is for the youth to do stupid comments, have blogoffs( I'll explain what those are), and for the rest of the world to make fun of us.
Blogoffs, are when we select a date and time to all get on the blog and chat. Stupid? Yes. It's kind of like IM, only were too lazy to do that, and blogoffs feature clicking the refresh button alot.
Well browse through our blog, check out the Strong Bad Emails, maybe visit the sites we advertise, and be sure to leave comments.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Possible Locations, Stages & Arenas?

Homestar Runner Universe
in front of Bub's Concession Stand
The Field
The Drive Through Whale
Club Technochocolate
KoT's Castle
The computer room in Strong Bad's house

Super Smash Bros Brawl Universe
The Subspace Emissary
Any of the stages

Final Fantasy Universe

Space Balls Universe
Space Balls 1 (Darth Helmet's ship)
The Desert near Yogurt's Palace
Yogurt's Palace
Space Balls City

Power Rangers Universe

Angel Grove
Lord Zedd and Rita's Castle

Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 Universe
Traverse Town

Lord of The Rings Universe
Plateu of Gorgoroth(Mordor 4 u noobs)
Minas Tirith
Fangorn Forest

Star Wars Universe

Death Star
Random ship in a space battle

Super Mario RPG Universe
Forest Maze
Nimbus Land
Smithy's Factory
Star Hill and the Star Road

Halo Universe
Halo's catacombs
High Charity
Pillar of Autumn
Halo's surface

Red vs Blue Universe (unless you want to combine with the Halo one)
Power station
Outpost 17B
"Burning plains"

God Of War Universe

Street Fighters Universe

Jak and Daxter Universe
Haven City streets
Dark Maker ship

Ratchet and Clank Universe
Dreadzone Station

Call of Duty Universe
Random city in Saudia Arabia
villiages in south-west Russia

Resistance Universe
Chimera HQ

esame Street Universe
Elmo's world

Dragon Ball Z Universe
Snake Road (Way?)
King Kai's Planet
The Hyperbolic Time Chamber

The “Real” World (Our Universe)
The Church Preferably outside/inside the new building
Ladd Acres
Drew's House
Steven's House
Joey's House
Derek's House

Frosty The Snowman Universe
The North Pole

Different browsers in the Update Zombie's Universe (The Internet)
The Firefox Sector
The Internet Explore Sector
The AOL Sector
The Netscape Sector
any other web browsers?
MySpace (he invades it in the story that I began to write)
The Comment Space For ABC Youth

Other Universes
(anything that doesn't fit in any of the places where the characters come from)
(everything here is debatable)
My Wii? (since it's connected to the Internet)
Mainly the Mii Channel (my Miis could fight?)
The Wii shop channel?

Feel free to add on a location, a different "universe" that I forgot or debate on any place
don't ask questions just edit the post but don't delete any places yet
(the blanks mean I have no knowledge of any locations)

If the list gets to long copy and paste into a word document then delete this post


The Brown Ranger said...

Since we have Warcraft people should we have Starcraft people too?
Terrans, Protoss, Zerg

The Brown Ranger said...

For the story I might bring in some "outside sources" to help with the dialog. (if we want highly accurate dialog to what the characters would actually say)
would that be OK?
And I think we should each work on a certain part of the story now so we can get highly accurate dialog because I bet that one person hasn't seen/played everything on the list .
So we split it up and put it together (only for the character intros while they're in they're respectable worlds) I'll write all the Super Mario RPG parts mainly the intro of Geno and Mallow when they're in their world, because I'm the only one within the group that's played the game, AND have more than enough knowledge about the game to make it as close to what the characters would act in different situations.
Woah! I didn't mean for this to be long!

steven the great said...

i think that we should just make a profile list for everyone. we need to start adding all the little things like the mushrooms from Mario.

The Brown Ranger said...


The Brown Ranger said...

We need to have a you tube day and watch videos of all the characters to get the dialog right.

D-ReX said...

Isnt Youtube blocked on ur comp steve?

The Brown Ranger said...

What's the progress on the card game and character sheet?

steven the great said...

i have not had much time to work on the character sheet and stuff. and yes you tube is blocked on my computer.

The Brown Ranger said...

hmm I could bring my laptop if there's someway I could "steal" someone's internet

The Brown Ranger said...

err I mean "borrow"

steven the great said...

are you sure the update zombie won't take you in if you borrow the internet?

The Brown Ranger said...

Nope I have Edgarware's Special Anti-Update Zombie Fire Wall! It Cost me a pretty penny though and it was my favorite penny too, very shiny.

The Brown Ranger said...

I think I found a way to incorporate Rex into our story,
At the end during the final battle:
were about to lose to the update zombie, he has us on the edge of our ropes, and when all hope is lost we fuse whats left of all our power to summon Rex or we fuse together DBZ style to form into Rex and defeat The Update Zombie in a huge dramatic, real final battle cinematic scene full of action, drama and edge of your seat suspense! That will guarantee our book the number 1 space on every stores bestsellers list for life!

D-ReX said...

Hmmmmm, I wonder whos more powerful, Rex or the Update zombie...

D-ReX said...

We should create a picture of the update zombie

Anonymous said...


steven the great said...

fusioning a lot to make rex is very special i think we should just have everyone make a beacon but rex was just ivisable watching the fight cause he was feeling lazy and didn't want to have to save the world today.

D-ReX said...

i think rex is overrated.....

D-ReX said...

go update zombie!!!!!!!!!!!

D-ReX said...

My frend thot of a bunch of new characters

King leonardous
Chuck Norris
Jackie Chan
Lightning McQueen
Harry potter

The Brown Ranger said...

Derek! How dare you root for the evil that is the update zombie! you have betrayed us! TRAITOR! BLASPHEMER! The combined forces of characters gathered throughout the movie, gaming and internet worlds will prevail! They, plus the power of Drew, Steven and I, will bring the evil force which is the update zombie down! You have crossed the line and there's no turning back! You have now joined with the enemy and shall be eradicated with the rest of the evil scum! You have been warned FORMER comrade, You will be eliminated!
Have a nice day ;)

D-ReX said...

Very well, besides this story could use a good twist, after all I am the creater of the update zombie...

D-ReX said...

The update zombie, I adn every thing evil, bad, or totally anoying and abnoxious will have victory!!!

The Brown Ranger said...

So this is war!

steven the great said...

i think i win on the grounds that i am chill with who ever wins.

if derek is with the update zombie he should try to get a realy good picture for him.
make sure you keep the old pictures of the update zombie.

The Brown Ranger said...

I was kidding by Derek with him joining with the update zombie because he was rooting for him, and it's not really a war...right now. Hmm... thinking about sides, how are we going to separate the characters in to sides, I know most of the hero type characters are probably going to be on one team with us, but by the look on some of the villains pictures, they look like they won't side with the update zombie, I've never played Warcraft 3 but Illidan looks like he won't take orders from anyone so he'll have his own army, and Darth Helmet is just too stubborn to listen anyone so he, Colonel Sanders, and President Skroob will be with the Spaceballs.
Should that be the next post?

and we should add Colonel Sanders, President Skroob and Colonel Sanders(The KFC Guy) to the list.

The Brown Ranger said...

Is the Red vs Blue universe combining with the Halo universe, cause they mention Master Chief in the first episode. They should team up somehow.

D-ReX said...

Ya the story with RvB needs a lot of thought to finally understand what has really been happening at bloodgulch. But The story with reconstruction happens several hundred years after Halo (the only reason the guys are there are bcuz they sploded the present) and now all the problems with the freelancer program have returned to haunt the ppl of the future, and that is what the directer and chairman are talking about at the beggining of each episode. Also blood gulch was just a testing zone for the freelancers and AI, and also as a place to hide the Alpha AI, which turns out to be church. And halo and rvb shouldnt b combined.

2 many sides 0_o

I could b on the update zombie's team. I really liked the new picture of the update zombie =/

The Brown Ranger said...

I've been brainstorming Ideas for the card game, I could put them in a post if you want to discuss them or we could meet together and discuss in person.

The Brown Ranger said...

here are the templates again




The Brown Ranger said...

Sorry I didn't make it to Crossfire, my mom kept talking, but I did bring Rock Band there so it evened things out.

The Brown Ranger said...

Not my fault I can't drive and even if I could we only have one car, so blame my mom, I really wanted to go!