
Hello, and welcome to the alliance Bible Church youth's useless blog. If you would like to visit our useful blog, go to http://abcyouthgroup.blogspot.com/, which was actually created by our youth directors, I and simply a member of the youthgroup. The purpose of this blog is for the youth to do stupid comments, have blogoffs( I'll explain what those are), and for the rest of the world to make fun of us.
Blogoffs, are when we select a date and time to all get on the blog and chat. Stupid? Yes. It's kind of like IM, only were too lazy to do that, and blogoffs feature clicking the refresh button alot.
Well browse through our blog, check out the Strong Bad Emails, maybe visit the sites we advertise, and be sure to leave comments.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Random card game!!!

we should actually have a post dedicated to the making of our card game. we need to do a few things:
pictures for the energy types and areas.
vote on a template.(I like the one that is displayed)
decide on the rules and/or phases for the game.
and after we get a template we need to start making cards.
as for cards i think we should for each card try to submit a picture to vote on.


The Brown Ranger said...

In case nobody saw them before




The Brown Ranger said...

Name the date/place/time and we'll get to work

D-ReX said...

OK i like the templete we have, it works for our purposes, and it's semi pretty. We can always change it slightly if something else needs to be added to it

D-ReX said...

Um its a 3 day weekend next weekend. we can probly work sometime during that

Anonymous said...

Well now i have a blog of my own to begin opperating my invasion of the internet.
http://updatezombie.blogspot.com if any of you fools dare to look

The Brown Ranger said...

Before we make the cards we need to make stat sheets for all the characters or do extended research on them, then pick which abilities we want to use for attacks ect... If there was a way I could connect to the internet I could bring my laptop and we could watch videos of the characters in action, because youtube is blocked on your computer.

The Brown Ranger said...

After the template, we need discuss the rules

D-ReX said...

Steve needs to check the blog....

The Brown Ranger said...

I came up with some ideas for the pair characters
Jak and Daxter,
Ratchet and Clank,
Master/Crazy Hand,
Ice Climbers?

and maybe swarm characters,

First: We make them separate cards since there's two of them.
Then: if you have both in play you you get + more to your stats and you also get to use a special team attack that does different things depending on the character team,
this can also be used for characters from the same universe,

Also if you have one of the pair characters if certain specification are met you can use an ability that allows you to search for the other character, or we can make a card that does that.

As for the swarm characters you make them separate cards to and you gain + something to all stats, the more you have in play.

Does that seem too complicated?

D-ReX said...

so ther could be up to 10000 orc cards in a deck???

The Brown Ranger said...

Cut the numbers out, make one orc card and have a max limit to how many you can put in one deck.

Deck size is another thing we need to discuss

D-ReX said...

Wut r we doin tommorrow???
theres always madagascar 2, um idk. i dont want to spend my tuesday off being bored at home, we should do something