
Hello, and welcome to the alliance Bible Church youth's useless blog. If you would like to visit our useful blog, go to http://abcyouthgroup.blogspot.com/, which was actually created by our youth directors, I and simply a member of the youthgroup. The purpose of this blog is for the youth to do stupid comments, have blogoffs( I'll explain what those are), and for the rest of the world to make fun of us.
Blogoffs, are when we select a date and time to all get on the blog and chat. Stupid? Yes. It's kind of like IM, only were too lazy to do that, and blogoffs feature clicking the refresh button alot.
Well browse through our blog, check out the Strong Bad Emails, maybe visit the sites we advertise, and be sure to leave comments.


Monday, June 30, 2008

A new way to get kidney stones!!!!!!!

I just gotback from 711, and they have a monster flavored slurpee. It's called black ice, and it tastes kinda good! Thecup looks cool 2! Its pretty new too, there are 0 images on google of the cup.

P.S. Steve no coments about kidney stones, ok?


The Brown Ranger said...

You Buying?

D-ReX said...


The Brown Ranger said...

What's a hazah?

D-ReX said...

a typo

steven the great said...

if I can't talk about kidney stones will someone else.

and derek should buy

The Brown Ranger said...

Hey Derek!!

Guess What?


steven the great said...

thanx. it needed to be said.

The Brown Ranger said...

(Steven hope You get this before we leave for the missions trip)
I require use of your photoshop skills.

I'm burning 2 missions trip mixes (one techno, one not techno) And I want to put some cool labels on them and I came to the person that makes the ads for Inside out! could you please make 2 different ones for the cds? (you could put a title on both if you want but please not Techno/not techno)
and I haven't burned them yet if you guys want a last minuet song on either of them please post the title and I'll tell you if I have them or not.
I tried to put songs that match everyones tastes!
But if you agree it's a rushed order as in a few days before we leave. Please

The Brown Ranger said...

Oh your welcome!

D-ReX said...


The Brown Ranger said...

It's true!